April 9, 2014

Homemade Easter Baskets

Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays!  One of my favorite memories of Easter, growing up, was hiding Easter baskets every year with my family.  My mom made each of us kids our very own, personalized Easter basket out of plastic canvas that had pictures on each side, different than any other person in the family.  I loved the uniqueness of each Easter basket, especially my own!  So when I got married, I decided to carry on this tradition and made my husband and I our own Easter baskets out of plastic canvas.    

I borrowed my mom's old cross stitching books to get ideas for the sides and lined the insides with fabric.  

These plastic canvas Easter baskets took forever to make!!  And they are a pain to store- they take up a lot of room and get bent easily.  So after making these two Easter baskets, I decided that I needed something that was more my style- simple and easy, and more practical to store.

So for my kids, I decided to use fabric instead of plastic canvas.   

I still love being able to personalize their Easter baskets by picking out fabric that fits their personalities.  And these fabric Easter baskets were much easier and faster to make!  In between the fabric, I used a thin batting to make it a little more thicker, and then I just sewed all of the sides together and added a handle.  These baskets are simple to store since the fabric can easily be smashed down and therefore take up very little room.  I was very pleased with the way these fabric Easter baskets turned out!

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